NSI 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds

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The 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds will now be on sale until 15 May 2015 due to high level of interest and demand.

The NSI 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds are lump sum investments that earn a fixed rate of interest over a set period of time. The terms on offer are 1-year and 3-year.

The Bonds are designed to be held for their full term. There will be a penalty if you cash in before the end of the term.

Anyone aged 65 or over can invest, either by yourself or jointly with one other person aged 65 or over.

You can invest from £500 up to £10,000 per person in each term.

Facts and figures

2.80% gross/AER
4.00% gross/AER

1 year
3 years

Taxable, paid net
Taxable, paid net

Suitable for savers who:

  • want a fixed and guaranteed rate of interest
  • are aged 65 or over
  • can leave their money invested for 1 or 3 years
  • have at least £500 to invest

Not for savers who:

  • are aged under 65
  • want easy access to their money
  • need a regular income from their savings