Category: Tax

Comments Off on HMRC contacts pending ROR claimants

HMRC contacts pending ROR claimants

HMRC contacts pending ROR claimants

Provisional claimants are urged to make a valid claim by 31 January 2025. HMRC is writing to taxpayers who made a provisional business asset roll-over relief (ROR) claim on asset sales in 2020/21 and haven’t replaced it with a valid claim. The deadline for making a valid claim is 31 January 2025. If a valid … Continued

Comments Off on Stealth tax freeze threatens income of pensioners

Stealth tax freeze threatens income of pensioners

Stealth tax freeze threatens income of pensioners

1.6m additional retirees dragged into income tax levy. 8.5m currently paying income tax, up from 4.9m in 2010. New research for the House of Commons has shown that due to the income tax threshold freeze of £12,570 until 2028, an additional 1.6m pensioners will have to pay income tax in the next four years. This … Continued

Comments Off on PM proposes scrapping National Insurance

PM proposes scrapping National Insurance

PM proposes scrapping National Insurance

Plans to simplify tax could require other increases. In 2022/23, NICs generated £178bn, with £103bn from employers, £65bn from employees, and around £10bn from the self-employed. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has suggested the possibility of eliminating National Insurance contributions (NICs) for workers, following another 2% cut announced during the Budget. National Insurance, established in … Continued

Comments Off on ‘Limited tax cut options in budget’, says Chancellor

‘Limited tax cut options in budget’, says Chancellor

‘Limited tax cut options in budget’, says Chancellor

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said that there is little scope for further tax cuts in the Spring Budget. In last year’s Autumn Statement, the Chancellor announced various tax breaks, including a cut to the main rate of National Insurance from 12% to 10%. In January, he suggested that he intended to reduce taxes in the … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC clamps down on undeclared dividend earnings

HMRC clamps down on undeclared dividend earnings

HMRC clamps down on undeclared dividend earnings

Starting on 4 February 2024, HMRC is writing to company owners regarding the potential under declaration of dividend income. The correspondence is prompted by a decrease in company reserves despite reported profits, hinting at undisclosed dividend payouts. Recipients are urged to acknowledge the letter by either disclosing any unreported dividend income or confirming no additional … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC enforces tighter rules on ‘side hustle tax’

HMRC enforces tighter rules on ‘side hustle tax’

HMRC enforces tighter rules on ‘side hustle tax’

In a bid to tighten tax regulations and combat tax evasion, HMRC is implementing measures affecting sellers on platforms such as eBay, Vinted, Airbnb and Etsy. Effective from 1 January, many digital platforms are now mandated to collect under new international rules adopted by the UK through the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC launches cryptoassest tax disclosure service

HMRC launches cryptoassest tax disclosure service

HMRC launches cryptoassest tax disclosure service

HMRC has rolled out a new initiative enabling taxpayers to voluntarily disclose unpaid tax on cryptoassets covering exchange tokens, non-fungible tokens, and utility tokens.  The tax authority has initiated contact with selected taxpayers engaged in cryptoasset transactions who may not have fulfilled their tax obligations. Taxpayers must report transactions incurring capital gains during the 2022/23 … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC reopens self-assessment helpline

HMRC reopens self-assessment helpline

HMRC reopens self-assessment helpline

HMRC has reopened the self-assessment tax helpline from 4 September after it was closed for three months over the summer. Between 12 June and 3 September, callers were redirected to digital services to give HMRC staff time to deal with other phone enquiries and handle the postal backlog. This was not the first time HMRC … Continued

Comments Off on One million more pulled into tax on savings

One million more pulled into tax on savings

One million more pulled into tax on savings

Rising interest rates and frozen thresholds will force over one million more taxpayers to pay taxes on their savings interest this tax year, new data reveals. Over 2.7 million individuals will pay tax on cash interest in the 2023/24 tax year, up by a million in a single year as more savers breach the personal … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC has ‘enormous amount of work’ to deliver MTD on time

HMRC has ‘enormous amount of work’ to deliver MTD on time

HMRC has ‘enormous amount of work’ to deliver MTD on time

In evidence submitted to the Public Accounts Committee’s Progress with Making Tax Digital inquiry, contributors from across the accounting profession handed down a blistering verdict on the project, and HMRC’s ability to deliver on its new timeline. The written submissions criticised HMRC’s failure to consult with and listen to taxpayers, agents, professional bodies and software … Continued