Community Foundation for Merseyside

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“BWMacfarlane are strong supporters of Merseyside’s vibrant voluntary and community sector through their own core activity of accountancy work for charities and not for profit organisations in the area, and through their engagement with the Community Foundation for Merseyside.

We manage the Merseyside 100 campaign, of which BWMacfarlane are a founding member. The Merseyside 100 brings together a ‘club’ of like-minded companies and individuals who want to put something back into Merseyside for a modest financial contribution.

Having worked with BWMacfarlane for nearly two years now, we have experienced continuous great support from the company. From their significant involvement in the Merseyside 100 campaign, their support of the Spirit of Merseyside Awards 2012 event which celebrates community activity in our region, through to the generous in kind support they offer to their community.”