Category: Business

Comments Off on Small companies threshold set at £10.2m for new EU accounting rules

Small companies threshold set at £10.2m for new EU accounting rules

Small companies threshold set at £10.2m for new EU accounting rules

Small companies will be able to report under the new EU Accounting Directive from 1 January 2016 with companies up to a turnover threshold of £10.2m able to use the new accounting regime. The rules will come into force on 6 April 2015 and early adoption of the new accounting directive will be permitted. Meantime, … Continued

Comments Off on Inflation falls to 14-year low

Inflation falls to 14-year low

Inflation falls to 14-year low

The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rate of inflation fell sharply to 0.5% in the year to December 2014, from 1% in November 2014, official figures show. This is the joint lowest CPI rate on record and the lowest since May 2000. The Office for National Statistics said the low inflation was driven by falling food … Continued

Comments Off on Government proposals to tackle late payment

Government proposals to tackle late payment

Government proposals to tackle late payment

Large companies could be forced to publish information about their payment practices, under government proposals designed to combat late payment. The measures would oblige large businesses and companies listed on stock markets to: issue quarterly reports on payment performance make public additional information about payment practices put payment information on their website. Companies would face … Continued

Comments Off on Businesses plan growth for 2015

Businesses plan growth for 2015

Businesses plan growth for 2015

Small businesses are planning growth in 2015 but many are still unaware of the finance options available to them, research by the British Business Bank has revealed. The research into more than 1,000 firms found that 46% are planning to expand their business over the next 12 months. The main reasons for obtaining finance were: … Continued

Comments Off on Mobile card payments boost business for SMEs

Mobile card payments boost business for SMEs

Mobile card payments boost business for SMEs

Latest news from The Telegraph New mobile payment services that combine card readers with smartphone apps could be opening up a wealth of opportunities for small-business owners. Every day, small independent traders in the UK are forced to turn away customers because they only accept payment in cash. For many of them, the prospect of … Continued

Comments Off on Inflation falls to 5 year low

Inflation falls to 5 year low

Inflation falls to 5 year low

The 1.2% CPI rate of inflation recorded in September 2014 is the lowest since October 2009. The Office for National Statistics said falling transport costs and food prices were largely responsible for the slowdown. David Kern, chief economist at the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “These figures confirm that inflationary pressures in the economy remain … Continued

Comments Off on SME costs rise above inflation

SME costs rise above inflation

SME costs rise above inflation

The cost of doing business has continued to rise in 2014 despite the falling rate of inflation, research from the Forum of Private Business (FPB) has found. The survey reveals that prices for micro, small and medium-sized businesses have risen 4.7% in 2014. However, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation has fallen from … Continued

Comments Off on Corporation tax quarterly instalment payments

Corporation tax quarterly instalment payments

Corporation tax quarterly instalment payments

Most companies pay corporation tax 9 months after the end of their accounting period. However, companies with profits in excess of £1,500,000 a year are required to pay corporation tax on a quarterly basis. The first 25% is due 6 months and 14 days into the period, with subsequent 25% payments due every 3 months … Continued

Comments Off on Do you want an LJMU Funded Graduate Intern?

Do you want an LJMU Funded Graduate Intern?

Do you want an LJMU Funded Graduate Intern?

Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is committed to supporting and preparing graduates for the world of work. LJMU’s World of Work Careers Centre is inviting employers and organisations to participate in the LJMU funded Career Accelerator Internship Programme and is offering Merseyside based employers the opportunity to facilitate a 20 day internship at their organisation. … Continued

Comments Off on Fewer SMEs using bank finance

Fewer SMEs using bank finance

Fewer SMEs using bank finance

The proportion of SMEs using traditional forms of finance fell in the second quarter of 2014, according to research by BDRC Continental. BDRC’s latest figures revealed that 30% of SMEs used ‘core’ finance – overdrafts, loans and credit cards – in Q2 2014 compared to 36% in the same period in 2012. The research found … Continued