Category: Business

Comments Off on Industry backlash at HS2 U-turn

Industry backlash at HS2 U-turn

Industry backlash at HS2 U-turn

Leading business organisations have criticised the Government’s decision to scrap the northern leg of HS2, despite its promises to divert £36 billion into new transport in the Midlands and north of England. High-Speed Rail Group, which represents rail and engineering firms, described the move as the “biggest and most damaging U-turn in the history of … Continued

Comments Off on Insolvency up by 16.5% compared to last year

Insolvency up by 16.5% compared to last year

Insolvency up by 16.5% compared to last year

The number of company insolvencies in September 2023 was 16.5% higher than the same month last year, according to official data published in October by the Insolvency Service. Corporate insolvencies decreased to a total of 1,967 compared to August’s total of 2,319, but compared to September 2022’s figure of 1,688, they increased by 16.5%. Nicky … Continued

Comments Off on ONS revises its findings and says economy actually grew in 2021

ONS revises its findings and says economy actually grew in 2021

ONS revises its findings and says economy actually grew in 2021

The UK is no longer a global economic outlier after a huge revision to its post-pandemic economic performance by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). GDP, the size of the country’s economy, climbed back above pre-pandemic levels by the end of 2021, the ONS said last week — much higher than previously thought. The ONS … Continued

Comments Off on Employers ramp up counter-offers to retain staff

Employers ramp up counter-offers to retain staff

Employers ramp up counter-offers to retain staff

Employers are turning to generous counter-offers in a bid to retain staff as skills shortages persist, new research suggests. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), 51% of employers who make counter-offers to keep employees have offered a higher number over the last 12 months. A quarter of employers who have made … Continued

Comments Off on UK grows but remains in ‘precarious place’

UK grows but remains in ‘precarious place’

UK grows but remains in ‘precarious place’

Growth remained sluggish between April and June 2023, with GDP growing by 0.2% in the second quarter of 2023 following a 0.1% rise in the first. Monthly estimates also show that GDP grew by an estimated 0.5% in June 2023 after falling by 0.1% in May and rising by 0.2% in April. Growth of 1% … Continued

Comments Off on Geopolitics prompt importers to alter supply chains

Geopolitics prompt importers to alter supply chains

Geopolitics prompt importers to alter supply chains

One in five British importers have altered their supply chains because of geopolitical tensions, particularly with China, new research suggests. A survey by the Institute of Directors (IoD), found that 20.5% of importers have altered their supply chains because of tensions abroad, while a further 14.5% were considering doing the same. Just 42.4% of importers … Continued

Comments Off on UK economy remains on shaky ground

UK economy remains on shaky ground

UK economy remains on shaky ground

Monthly GDP fell by 0.1% in May after growth of 0.2% in April, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), suggesting the economy remains on shaky ground. In the three months to May 2023, GDP has “shown no growth” when compared with the three months to February, the ONS added. The services sector also … Continued

Comments Off on Employee share schemes under review

Employee share schemes under review

Employee share schemes under review

The Government is running a call for evidence on how to simplify and widen accessibility to employee share schemes. The Treasury is inviting comments on ‘save as you earn’ (SAYE), the company share option plan (CSOP) and the share incentive plan (SIP) until 25 August 2023. Through the call for evidence, ministers aim to improve … Continued

Comments Off on Government extends VAT exemption for pharmacists

Government extends VAT exemption for pharmacists

Government extends VAT exemption for pharmacists

The VAT exemption for pharmacists has been extended to medical services carried out by supervised, non-registered staff as of 1 May. Prior to the measure, the exemption only applied to medical services carried out by registered health professionals. The new zero-rating rules now mean that all staff can provide their service exempt from VAT under … Continued

Comments Off on ICAEW calls MTD quarterly reporting “disproportionate”

ICAEW calls MTD quarterly reporting “disproportionate”

ICAEW calls MTD quarterly reporting “disproportionate”

The Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales (ICAEW) is urging HMRC to rethink the quarterly reporting model for Making Tax Digital for income tax self-assessment (MTD for ITSA). In a letter to HMRC, the representative body is asking the Government to review the quarterly reporting process for the upcoming extension of MTD. According … Continued