Category: Business

Comments Off on Businesses optimistic about recruitment and growth

Businesses optimistic about recruitment and growth

Businesses optimistic about recruitment and growth

One in five small businesses feels optimistic about growth and expansion following the Government’s announcement to introduce a £2,000 allowance towards employer National Insurance contributions (NICs), research by Direct Line for Businesses has found. A third of businesses also plan to recruit additional staff to take advantage of the reduced cost of employment once the … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC extends monthly RTI respite to 2014

HMRC extends monthly RTI respite to 2014

HMRC extends monthly RTI respite to 2014

HMRC has extended the temporary relaxation of real time information (RTI) reporting rules for small businesses for a further six months to April 2014.   The relaxation applies to businesses with less than 50 employees and was originally set to run until October 2013.   In March, HMRC announced the easement after a widespread campaign … Continued

Comments Off on Is lack of technology holding your business back?

Is lack of technology holding your business back?

Research from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has revealed that small businesses are spending an average of £3,500 a year on technology in a bid to grow and create jobs. Of the 2,200 people surveyed: 85 per cent identified investment in technology as a key driver of growth 62 per cent said it had … Continued

Comments Off on Repayment warning for interest-only borrowers

Repayment warning for interest-only borrowers

Repayment warning for interest-only borrowers

Interest-only mortgages were popular during the housing booms of the early nineties and ‘noughties’. Typically, borrowers make monthly repayments that cover only the interest on the amount borrowed. The capital (the full amount borrowed) is then paid back when the mortgage term matures – typically after 25 years – using funds such as savings or … Continued

Comments Off on Employee share buy-back rule relaxed

Employee share buy-back rule relaxed

Evidence suggests that employee-owned businesses – those in which members of staff own a stake (often in the form of shares) in the business – are likely to show increased productivity and, as a result, increased profitability compared with those that do not. According to research conducted by the Cass Business School in 2010, employee-owned … Continued

Comments Off on Queen’s Speech announcements for business

Queen’s Speech announcements for business

Queen’s Speech announcements for business

The Government’s plans for the new parliamentary session were outlined last month in the Queen’s Speech. Proposals of interest to businesses included those around national insurance contributions, patents and deregulation: Employment allowance: under the National Insurance Contributions Bill, businesses and charities will be entitled to a £2,000 allowance towards their employer national insurance contributions (NICs) … Continued

Comments Off on Free Seminar for High Growth Businesses

Free Seminar for High Growth Businesses

Free Seminar for High Growth Businesses

This event aimed at small and medium-sized businesses that want to maximise their growth potential in 2013. We are working in partnership with GrowthAccelerator ( which is a partnership between private enterprise and government with £200m backing, providing an affordable way to help companies achieve their high growth ambitions. In our 60-minute seminar we will … Continued

Comments Off on Employers to design own apprenticeship schemes

Employers to design own apprenticeship schemes

Employers will be able to design and develop their own apprenticeship standards and qualifications, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has announced. The decision follows last year’s review by entrepreneur Doug Richard, which found apprenticeships should be more focused on the needs of employers in order to encourage take-up, address skill shortages and boost growth. Government … Continued

Comments Off on Millions leaving work to care for family members

Millions leaving work to care for family members

Millions of UK adults are leaving employment or reducing working hours to care for an elderly, disabled or seriously ill family member, according to research from Carers UK and business forum Employers for Carers. The research found: 2.3 million adults have given up work to become carers three million have reduced their working hours 22 … Continued

Comments Off on Inquiry into high number and cost of whiplash claims

Inquiry into high number and cost of whiplash claims

The House of Commons Transport Committee will look at how the number and cost of whiplash claims in the UK can be reduced. The inquiry follows a December 2012 whitepaper from the Ministry of Justice, which described Britain as the “whiplash capital of the world”. The whitepaper reported that, between 2006 and 2012, there was … Continued