Category: Charity

Comments Off on Charity Commission and the OSCR publish new SORP

Charity Commission and the OSCR publish new SORP

The new Statements of Recommended Practice (SORP) – one for charities using the FRS 102 standard and the other for smaller charities working with the FRSSE – are now available online. The Charity Commission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator have published the two new SORP accounting standards for charities, applying to financial … Continued

Comments Off on Free training for faith groups

Free training for faith groups

In September the homeless charity, The Whitechapel Centre, will be running two free training sessions specifically designed for churches and faith groups in Merseyside. The “Stranger at the Door” session on Thursday 18th of September will look at the practical services available to people in need in the city The “Homelessness in Liverpool” session on … Continued

Comments Off on Lottery funding to help tackle domestic violence in Merseyside

Lottery funding to help tackle domestic violence in Merseyside

A project in Liverpool which aims to reduce and prevent domestic violence is one of three in Manchester and Merseyside sharing in a total of £834,047 in grants from the Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Communities Programme. Merseyside Domestic Violence Service Ltd (MDVS) will use their funding of £278,561 to help reduce the risk of harm, … Continued

Comments Off on Charity accounts review examines reductions in permanent endowment funds

Charity accounts review examines reductions in permanent endowment funds

Charity accounts review examines reductions in permanent endowment funds

The Charity Commission has reported that is encouraged by the  use by trustees’ of professional advice when considering the legal status of their charity’s permanent endowment (PE) funds arising from a review of 60 charities with an income of over £500,000 whose accounts showed a reduction in the level of PE funds on the previous … Continued

Comments Off on Charity sector finances to come under scrutiny

Charity sector finances to come under scrutiny

Charity sector finances are to come under scrutiny during a major review of financial sustainability and funding to be led by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). NCVO will be working with a steering group comprised of the chief executives of Charity Finance Group, the Institute of Fundraising, and Navca, as well as a … Continued

Comments Off on SORP approved for publication

SORP approved for publication

The charities Statements of Recommended Practice have been approved for publication by the Financial Reporting Council, the Charity Commission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator announced today. The Financial Reporting Council (FRC), which is the standard-setting body for UK accounting rules, approved the two SORPs at its board meeting on 22 May. The … Continued

Comments Off on Findings of charity project published

Findings of charity project published

As charity experts, BWMacfarlane have once again inputted into a Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) Special Interest Groups report for the Charity Commission, reviewing charities’ approaches to strategy as part of a special report on this topic. The ICAEW has now published a report of a review project (The full report … Continued

Comments Off on 13 May Media Awareness and Reputation Management Seminar

13 May Media Awareness and Reputation Management Seminar

We are providing a free seminar aimed at helping charities to gain a better understanding on media awareness and reputation management. This seminar will be held on 13 May 12.30pm-2.00pm at 60 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BZ. In this 1.5 hour event BWMacfarlane Chartered Accountants are working in partnership with expert speakers from Ubiquitypr, Jackson & … Continued

Comments Off on Charity Commission seeks more information in 2014 annual return

Charity Commission seeks more information in 2014 annual return

Charities will have to provide more information about their activities in their annual return, including information about fundraising, payment to trustees, trading and grantmaking, the Charity Commission has said. The Commission has published new guidance on the annual return form for 2014, which must be completed by all registered charities with an income over £10,000. … Continued

Comments Off on Regulators announce what’s to be expected in the new SORP

Regulators announce what’s to be expected in the new SORP

The analysis of the consultation on the draft new Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) has been published by the Charity Commission, independent regulator of charities in England and Wales, and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) as the joint charities SORP-making body. The SORP provides a comprehensive framework for charity accounting and reporting … Continued