Category: Employer

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Abolition of the £8,500 threshold for taxing certain benefits in kind

Abolition of the £8,500 threshold for taxing certain benefits in kind

From 6 April 2016, with the exception of ministers of religion, the £8,500 threshold is to be abolished. This means that from this date employees earnings at a rate of less than £8,500 will be taxed on their benefits in kind (BiKS) in the same way as employees earnings at a rate of £8,500 or … Continued

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New automatic enrolment guide for small and micro employers

New automatic enrolment guide for small and micro employers

The Pensions Regulator has launched a new interactive step by step guide to help small and micro employers with automatic enrolment. The guide begins with a ‘Duties Checker’ that asks you simple questions to establish whether you need to put any of your staff into a pension scheme. It then provides information about the tasks … Continued

Comments Off on Construction Industry Scheme

Construction Industry Scheme

Construction Industry Scheme

Under the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS), contractors deduct money from a subcontractor’s payments and pass it to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). The deductions count as advance payments towards the subcontractor’s tax and National Insurance. Registering as a contractor at the right time If you want to start paying subcontractors you need to register with … Continued

Comments Off on Employers urged to prepare for National Living Wage

Employers urged to prepare for National Living Wage

Employers urged to prepare for National Living Wage

On 1 April 2016 the National Living Wage will become law. Employers need to prepare for the changes and make sure they follow these four simple steps: Know the correct rate of pay – £7.20 per hour for staff aged 25 and over Find out which staff are eligible for the new rate Update the … Continued

Comments Off on Auto Enrolment: Are you ready?

Auto Enrolment: Are you ready?

Up to 500,000 small and micro employers are due to stage in 2016, with 87,000 filing Declarations of Compliance in January 2016. The Pension Regulator has issued nearly fifteen hundred £400 fines, during the period October to December 2015. The Regulator has issued the following statement: Research shows that most employers want to do the … Continued

Comments Off on “Real test” for auto-enrolment ahead

“Real test” for auto-enrolment ahead

Auto-enrolment has been a success for larger employers, but the “real test” lied ahead as smaller employers begin to enrol their employees, a report by the Public Accounts Committee has concluded. 1.8 million smaller employers will soon begin the process, but the committee notes that The Pensions Regulator does not yet have access to the … Continued

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Payroll Update

Payroll Update

Dispensations P11d dispensations for expenses will be replaced from 6 April 2016 and will be replaced with other legislation. At the moment, if you pay or reimburse deductible expenses (or provide benefits in kind that are covered by a matching deductible expense) to any of your employees, you have to report these on the return … Continued

Comments Off on Prepare for Bacs service IT security change

Prepare for Bacs service IT security change

Prepare for Bacs service IT security change

Companies need to make sure their systems and suppliers are ready for an upcoming change to Bacs internet security technology in June. Bacs, a payment network which processes 3.9 billion direct debit payments in the UK each year, said that the internet community is adopting a new security certification – called SHA-2 – which will … Continued

Comments Off on Lack of flexible working hampers employers

Lack of flexible working hampers employers

Employers may be missing out on the best skilled workers due to not offering flexible working. A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation argues that the current lack of ‘quality’ part-time and flexible jobs is holding back the labour market by: cutting businesses off from a proportion of skilled workers ensuring some employees get ‘stuck’ … Continued

Comments Off on Preparing for the national living wage

Preparing for the national living wage

The national living wage (NLW) of £7.20 an hour for workers aged 25 and over will come into effect on 1 April 2016. The national minimum wage will continue to apply to all other eligible workers. Although April may seem like a long way off, there are steps employers can take now to ensure they … Continued