Category: Tax

Comments Off on Chancellor announces biggest tax cuts in 50 years

Chancellor announces biggest tax cuts in 50 years

Chancellor announces biggest tax cuts in 50 years

The additional tax rate has been scrapped completely by the new Chancellor. Kwasi Kwarteng has announced the biggest bundle of tax cuts since 1972 in his first fiscal statement as Chancellor. Income tax, corporation tax and stamp duty make up the majority of the most significant cuts in a bid to promote growth within the … Continued

Comments Off on Capital gains tax rules for divorced couples ease

Capital gains tax rules for divorced couples ease

Capital gains tax rules for divorced couples ease

The Government has announced plans to relax capital gains tax (CGT) rules in divorce settlements, giving spouses and civil partners more time to transfer assets without incurring CGT charges. If the new rules are approved, they will come into effect from 6 April 2023. Newly separated couples are currently given until the end of the … Continued

Comments Off on Self-employed struggling with tax obligations

Self-employed struggling with tax obligations

Self-employed struggling with tax obligations

Self-employed individuals are having difficulties completing their self-assessment tax return, according to a new report commissioned by HMRC. A lot of people have trouble with their tax reporting duties because of “confusing terminology, ambiguity around allowable business expenses and uncertainty transferring figures to HMRC’s system,” according to the report. Undertaken by Kantar on behalf of … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC: Businesses don’t think MTD applies to them

HMRC: Businesses don’t think MTD applies to them

HMRC: Businesses don’t think MTD applies to them

Smaller businesses don’t believe that Making Tax Digital (MTD) applies to them, according to a study carried out by Yonder Consulting for HMRC. While businesses indicated they were aware of MTD for VAT, many still do not understand the process of the scheme and whether their business needs to comply with the rules. In a … Continued

Comments Off on Lack of awareness of tax liability among crypto investors

Lack of awareness of tax liability among crypto investors

Lack of awareness of tax liability among crypto investors

More than half of cryptocurrency investors have limited or no understanding of capital gains tax (CGT) and the associated tax liability on crypto transactions. Understanding of CGT was mixed, with 34% of owners stating they had a good understanding, compared to 37% who knew little or nothing and 22% who were not familiar with it … Continued

Comments Off on Taxpayers not ready for Making Tax Digital

Taxpayers not ready for Making Tax Digital

Taxpayers not ready for Making Tax Digital

People are unprepared and unenthusiastic for Making Tax Digital (MTD), according to a survey commissioned by HMRC. Global market research group Ipsos recently released data suggesting “awareness of MTD in general, and MTD for income tax self-assessment (ITSA) specifically was low”. MTD ITSA will require people with annual business or property income above £10,000 to … Continued

Comments Off on Work from home tax relief may not be available in 2022/23

Work from home tax relief may not be available in 2022/23

Work from home tax relief may not be available in 2022/23

Employees who claimed tax relief for working from home during the pandemic may no longer qualify in the 2022/23 tax year as HMRC changes its guidance for the scheme. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people who could do their normal job at home were required to do so at various times and were allowed to apply … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC raises interest rates on late tax payments

HMRC raises interest rates on late tax payments

HMRC raises interest rates on late tax payments

HMRC has confirmed it will raise interest rates on late tax bills by 0.25 percentage points after the Bank of England increased the base rate of interest to 1%. The announcement means the late payment interest rate and corporation tax pay and file rate will increase to 3.5% from 24 May 2022 (16 May 2022 … Continued

Comments Off on National Insurance and dividend 1.25% uplift underway

National Insurance and dividend 1.25% uplift underway

National Insurance and dividend 1.25% uplift underway

The Government has at last increased National Insurance (NI) and dividend tax by 1.25 percentage points after months of anticipation. The 1.25% uplift came into effect on 6 April 2022 and will apply until April 2023, after which a separate health and social care levy will apply on peoples’ income at 1.25%. The Government said … Continued

Comments Off on IR35 reform landing period ends

IR35 reform landing period ends

IR35 reform landing period ends

Penalties now apply to businesses that make mistakes under new IR35 rules for the private sector. The Government extended the off-payroll working rules reform to the private sector in April 2021, but promised to be lenient on mistakes in the first year. The landing period has now ended, so employers caught within the reformed IR35 … Continued