Category: Tax

Comments Off on Tax credits planning for changes

Tax credits planning for changes

Significant changes will be made to both Working Tax Credit (WTC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) from April 2011 through to April 2013. In April 2014 these benefits will be abolished and replaced by the new Universal benefit which will be introduced from late in 2013. Reducing awards by reference to household income Presently the … Continued

Comments Off on Year end tax planning 2010-11

Year end tax planning 2010-11

Three ideas to consider before your business tax year end (2010-11). 1. Accelerating revenue and capital expenditure If you are considering significant revenue expenditure, redecorating your office, repairing plant or other equipment; or capital expenditure, buying commercial vehicles, computers or plant – you may want to consider the timing of the expenditure. Expenditure that impacts … Continued

Comments Off on VAT standard rate increase 4 January 2011

VAT standard rate increase 4 January 2011

On 4 January 2011 the standard rate of VAT increased from 17.5% to 20%. For those of you who may have missed our previous notices about this change, and its effects, you may like to download HMRC’s comprehensive guide on the change that can be found at: Readers should also re-examine their use of … Continued

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Furnished Holiday Lets – Tax changes now announced

The expected changes to the Furnished Holiday Lets (FHL) tax rules were published on 9 December 2010. They are: From April 2011 Loss relief will be restricted. From April 2011 property owners will not be able to transfer losses against other income sources. Losses will only be available to carry forward and set off against … Continued

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Special VAT Schemes post April 2011

The good news is that all the special VAT schemes that existed prior to 6 April 2011 continue with a few minor changes. Flat Rate Scheme This scheme can be particularly beneficial for businesses that have low levels of business expenditure that include VAT. Because of this, businesses that manufacture or sell goods are disadvantaged … Continued

Comments Off on HMRC Business Records Checks 2011

HMRC Business Records Checks 2011

On 17 December 2010 HMRC announced their intention to roll out a programme of Business Record Checks in the second half of 2011. At present they are consulting with professional organisations regarding the scope of their enquiries.  This consultation will be completed and the results published by 31 March 2010. If your business is selected … Continued