Free Auto-Enrolment Seminar 30 October 2014

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We would be delighted if you would join us on Thursday 30th October 2014, 9.00am at Castle Chambers, 43 Castle St, Liverpool, Merseyside L2 9SH (BWMacfarlane offices).

Registration is at 9am and there will be breafast rolls and tea/coffee on arrival. 9.30 am start.

Come and listen to our panel of expert speakers including a guest speaker from The Pensions Regulator.

Speakers and topics:

Alexander House Financial Services on the importance and value of advice in this area

The Pensions Regulator – The story so far, enforcement and the SME market

Quilter Cheviot – Target-dated funds and how they are transforming Auto-enrolment propositions

Intelligent money (in association with autoenroll me) – How a solution works in practice

Brown Turner Ross – The trials and tribulations of contracts, T&C’s and how auto-enrolment impacts on these

BWMacfarlane – The payroll journey

We should finish at 12.45pm when we would be happy to pick up individual questions or arrange separate discussions.

Nearest Car Park: National Car Parks Rumford St City Centre Liverpool L2 8SZ

If you would like to book onto this seminar please email Vicki Harper or call 0151 236 1494