Mencap Liverpool Idol contestant Brian Humphreys

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Mencap rehearsals oct 13-40 Brian 2Our very own Brian Humpreys is taking part in Liverpool Idol! It is returning to the city after an absence of three years and will unearth Liverpool’s hidden singing talent in the business community and at the same time raise vital funds for Mencap Liverpool. Brian will join 6 other contestants in singing to try to be crowned Liverpool Pop Idol!

Not your typical accountant Brian is very involved in a number of sports including tennis and skiing and also used to play football for Tranmere.

Brian wanted to take part to support Mencap Liverpool in their fundraising and also to challenge himself to move his singing from the occasional karaoke performance to a bigger stage! He is nervous about performing but hopes to find it enjoyable as there is sure to be a great atmosphere. His team at BWMacfarlane and other friends and family are attending on the night to support him.

Mencap Liverpool hopes that the event will raise over £20,000 which will be used to support individuals with a learning disability and their families in the local area. The charity fights to reduce the social isolation many people with a learning disability feel on a daily basis so they can live full and valued lives.

Event details: Wednesday 30th October 2013, 7.30—11pm at Pan Am, Albert Dock. If you would like to contribute, donate at Tickets are available at