New HMRC tax campaigns

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HMRC taskforces are comprised of multiple teams from across HMRC including special investigations, local compliance and criminal investigation units for targeting specific sectors and locations where there is a high risk of tax evasion. The taskforces use local knowledge and risk profiling to help create a list of businesses to target. The taskforces also use special software to uncover business areas where tax evasion is common place as well as to target specific businesses.

Six new taskforces have recently been launched to target tax evasion in the following sectors:

  • Indoor and outdoor markets in London
  • Taxi firms in Yorkshire and East Midlands
  • Property rentals in East Anglia, London, Yorkshire and the North East
  • Restaurants in the Midlands

At the launch of the new taskforces, HMRC’s Mike Eland, Director General Enforcement and Compliance, said:

‘These taskforces will bring together specialists from across HMRC to tackle tax dodgers. If you have paid all your taxes you have nothing to worry about. But deliberately evading tax you should be paying can land you with not only a heavy fine but possibly a criminal prosecution as well.’

With our ex-HMRC experience we can assist you in negotiations with the Revenue to help mitigate any additional tax, interest and penalties you might face.

As always, if you have any concerns or would like advice or assistance regarding any disclosure of income to HM Revenue & Customs please do give me a call.

Sue Stephens, Personal Tax Consultant