“We have been working with BWM Chartered Accountants for over 20 years…”

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“We have been working with BWM Chartered Accountants for over 20 years and would highly recommended them for several reasons. One of the main reasons being that the staff are all professional and approachable and friendly in their manner. Our current designated accountant is a prime example of this and when assigned to us, took the time to visit us on site so that we knew who we would be working with. This also gave the opportunity to understand the ethos of the service and to get a better understanding of the work undertaken by the charity.  We are fortunate that we able to call on them on any matters that are to do with the yearly accounts but we are also able to approach them for guidance on any other queries we may have. If it is something that is not directly the area of BWM expertise than they have either obtained the information for us or signposted us to someone who can assist us. Overall BWM has an excellent understanding of the requirements of the charity and ensure that we are meeting the necessary requirements in relation to the yearly accounts and our legal duties to the Charity Commission and Company House. We have also utilised and extremely benefited from the information sessions that have been provided in the past on relevant issues that could impact charities.  We have found that when changes are occurring BWM will be at the forefront of this and will ensure that the correct information is provided to their clients. Therefore assisting the charity to be proactive rather reactive in their approach.”