Category: Business

Comments Off on Small businesses unprepared against digital attacks

Small businesses unprepared against digital attacks

Small businesses unprepared against digital attacks

More than 4 in 10 small and micro businesses have experienced digital crime, according to a survey by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT). The survey of 1,000 business owners with less than 49 employees reveals that 42% have suffered online security issues. Important figures: 23% have had business computers infected by viruses 22% have … Continued

Comments Off on New accounting guidelines for commercial service charges

New accounting guidelines for commercial service charges

New accounting guidelines for commercial service charges

The ICAEW technical guidance [TECH 09/14BL] came into effect on 1 April and is a step in the right direction in the completely unregulated area of commercial service charges. Unlike residential property service charges, commercial charges are not regulated by overriding national legislation and property owners and managers are encouraged to follow ‘best practice’ as … Continued

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Small Business Act becomes law

Small Business Act becomes law

A range of measures aimed at supporting small businesses have become law after the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act gained royal assent. The act is designed to help small businesses by improving access to finance, combating late payment and reducing regulatory burdens. It is hoped that the measures will encourage businesses to innovate and … Continued

Comments Off on Businesses delay capital investment

Businesses delay capital investment

Businesses delay capital investment

Almost two thirds of UK businesses generated a cash surplus in the last tax year, according to research by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). The survey of 500 businesses found that 62% made a cash surplus last year while 69% expect to make a cash surplus during the current tax … Continued

Comments Off on Making use of equity finance

Making use of equity finance

Making use of equity finance

Equity investment in small businesses has more than doubled in the last 3 years, a report by the British Business Bank has found. Figures show that more small businesses are choosing to sell ownership interests in their business to raise capital. The number of equity deals completed in the first 3 quarters of 2014 was … Continued

Comments Off on Boosting small business productivity

Boosting small business productivity

Boosting small business productivity

Small businesses in the UK continue to be less productive compared to other countries, according to a report by the All Parliamentary Small Business Group. The group’s findings complement recent research by the Federation of Small Businesses that shows that UK productivity levels are 17% lower than the average across the G7. The parliamentary group … Continued

Comments Off on SMEs in profit at 2007 levels

SMEs in profit at 2007 levels

SMEs in profit at 2007 levels

The number of small businesses that reported profits over the last 12 months has returned to 2007 levels, according to the government’s Small Business Survey. The annual survey conducted by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills showed that 78% of businesses reported making a profit or surplus this year, with 40% saying their turnover … Continued

Comments Off on Liverpool Landlord Licensing Scheme

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Scheme

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Scheme

From 1 April 2015 all private landlords in the city must apply for a five-year licence for each of their rented properties. The scheme is being introduced in Liverpool under the government’s selective licensing laws and signing up for it is compulsory. What are the benefits of the scheme? The properties must meet fire, electric … Continued

Comments Off on Number of small firms hits record high

Number of small firms hits record high

Number of small firms hits record high

There are a record 5.2 million small firms in the UK, according to a government report. The number of small businesses has increased by 760,000 since 2010 and 4.5 million people are now self-employed, an increase of 500,000 from 2010. The report reveals that more than £130 million has been lent through the Start Up … Continued

Comments Off on NSI 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds

NSI 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds

NSI 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds

The 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds will now be on sale until 15 May 2015 due to high level of interest and demand. The NSI 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds are lump sum investments that earn a fixed rate of interest over a set period of time. The terms on offer are 1-year and 3-year. The Bonds … Continued