Category: BWM Online

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Critics Urge Delay in Rollout of MTD

Critics Urge Delay in Rollout of MTD

Leading tax bodies have joined the House of Lords in calls to delay the introduction of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for all taxes, less than three months before it’s due to come into force for VAT. MTD is finally due to commence on 1 April 2019 for VAT-registered businesses with an annual taxable turnover of … Continued

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Making Tax Digital (MTD) Letters From HMRC

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Letters From HMRC

HMRC are writing to around 380,000 businesses over the next two weeks to let them know about MTD for VAT and to advise that single companies, who have annual turnover of £85,000 or more, are now eligible to join the MTD pilot and can start submitting VAT returns under MTD before it become compulsory from … Continued

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HMRC Announce Six-Month MTD Deferral for Complex Businesses

HMRC Announce Six-Month MTD Deferral for Complex Businesses

The government’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) programme means that from April 2019 businesses with annual taxable turnover of more than £85,000 will be required to maintain digital records for VAT and submit quarterly returns alongside the annual tax return. Under the requirements of MTD, any transfer of data between software programs must be carried out … Continued

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HMRC Confirms ‘Soft Landing’ for Making Tax Digital

HMRC Confirms ‘Soft Landing’ for Making Tax Digital

HMRC has confirmed that digital reporting requirements will be relaxed during the first year of Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT-registered businesses. From April 2019, businesses with annual taxable turnover of more than £85,000 will be required to maintain digital records for VAT and submit quarterly returns alongside the annual tax return. Under the requirements … Continued

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Making Tax Digital for VAT Guidance Issued

Making Tax Digital for VAT Guidance Issued

HMRC have now issued their detailed guidance on the digital record keeping and return requirements for Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT. VAT Notice 700/22 clarifies that spreadsheets may still be used to keep business records provided that there is bridging software that links to the Government gateway. There will however be a one year … Continued

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BCC Calls For Further Delay To Digital Accounts Rollout

BCC Calls For Further Delay To Digital Accounts Rollout

The government’s flagship Making Tax Digital (MTD) scheme should be delayed until 2020/21 for all taxpayers, according to the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). VAT-registered businesses with annual turnover of more than £85,000 are due to be the first to go through the transition to digital accounts for reporting VAT only from April 2019. But … Continued

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HMRC Defers Launch of Digital Accounts for Individuals

HMRC Defers Launch of Digital Accounts for Individuals

HMRC has delayed rolling out digital services for individuals, such as the simple assessment and dynamic coding changes. The move was announced in an email sent to stakeholders, which confirmed the delay was down to a shift in key priorities driven by the need to free up civil servants for Brexit. Jon Thompson, chief executive … Continued

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Selected Businesses Begin Making Tax Digital Testing

Selected Businesses Begin Making Tax Digital Testing

A number of selected small businesses have begun submitting tax returns under HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) pilot scheme. The Revenue asked for businesses to step forward and trial the digital process from April 2018. HMRC is monitoring the progress of businesses and sole traders, who have been submitting tax returns to help shape the … Continued

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Small Firms Not Ready For Data Protection Shake-Up

Small Firms Not Ready For Data Protection Shake-Up

Small businesses are worryingly underprepared with little over a month to go before new data protection regulations are introduced. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) claims 33% of SMEs have not started preparing for the EU-wide General Data Protection Regulation, which takes effect on 25 May 2018. A similar number (35%) have only recently started … Continued

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Most Small Businesses are not ready for Digital Accounts

Most Small Businesses are not ready for Digital Accounts

The overwhelming majority of business owners and landlords remain in the dark over making tax digital (MTD), government research shows. Ipsos Mori polled 2,900 small businesses and landlords on behalf of HMRC and found that 71% were unaware of the requirement to submit quarterly updates to the taxman. A further 13% had heard of the … Continued