Construction Industry Scheme – Should you be affected?

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The CIS is a set of special of tax and national insurance rules for those working in the construction industry.

The scheme mainly affects building contractors and sub-contractors; however, certain businesses that are not in the business of construction but have a significant amount of annual, construction expenditure may also count as contractors.

The rules for CIS changed substantially in 2007 resulting in the abolition of CIS certificates and registration cards.

Who does CIS apply to?

The CIS can apply to all types of businesses that work in the construction industry in the UK.

This includes:

  • self-employed individuals working as sole traders
  • partnerships
  • companies
  • limited liability partnerships (LLPs)

As well as traditional construction businesses like builders, the scheme can also apply to businesses such as:

  • labour agencies and staff bureaux
  • gangmasters – or gang leaders
  • property developers

If you are concerned that you should be registered under CIS or have any related queries please contact us for more information.

Sue Stephens, Personal Tax Consultant